Catching up on sketches

I’ve made a number of sketches I haven’t scanned or posted yet.

Last Wednesday, I invited south side sketchers to join me at the local library. It’s a unique building as it spans the river. Only one joined me so we sketched the large, old, cherry tree(s) and a building in the park next door.

Yesterday I made a series of three nature sketches from photos. This is for an on-line art group with which I participate. Each month the leader picks a theme and we all share our photos or copy-write free ones to use for our sketches. These are all very small. Once we do our show and tell in the monthly Zoom meeting, I’ll leave at the Little Free Art Gallery in town.

Speaking of the Little Free Library. I left some original sketches on Sunday. I put my Instagram info on the back. One of the sketches was a small one, done a few years ago, of the town’s newest school building. I heard back about it as a comment on the Instagram post: “My daughter picked up your Sartori sketch today. Such a treasure for her as she prepares to graduate from her beloved school.” Aww, that’s very sweet.

About redharparts

Born in Michigan. Attended undergrad and graduate universities there. I've lived in England, Germany, Southern California and now Washington (state). I'm a retired Medical Social Worker with a past specialty in Oncology. I've enjoyed exploring historical re-creation through the SCA. I costume in several fandoms. Lately I've returned to Art and have taken up Urban Sketching, a version of en plein air painting.
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