Sunny Day at Soos Creek

Urban Sketchers Tacoma had a beautiful day for sketching in Soos Creek Botanical Garden yesterday.  We had a little less time than usual due to ending early so some of us could attend the talk about crows held in the pavilion. 

I also had more of a wander around and discovered the dragon sculpture I’ve never seen before!  This garden is not far from where I live so I’ve visited at least a couple times a year for many years.  I chose to do a montage on a double page.

On both sides of the garden are small holdings with horses. This beautiful (Frisian?) mare had a foal!

About redharparts

Born in Michigan. Attended undergrad and graduate universities there. I've lived in England, Germany, Southern California and now Washington (state). I'm a retired Medical Social Worker with a past specialty in Oncology. I've enjoyed exploring historical re-creation through the SCA. I costume in several fandoms. Lately I've returned to Art and have taken up Urban Sketching, a version of en plein air painting.
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