Zoom sketching

Yesterday I made these two sketches. This fluffy dog leaning out of car I made from a photo I’d taken the day before. While he made me chuckle and I waved at him, it doesn’t seem too safe.

Then I joined an on-line sketchbook group to work together over Zoom. The group chose this image from a copyright free source. Though I’m not participating in this month’s Direct Watercolor challenge, this little sketch is direct watercolor.

About redharparts

Born in Michigan. Attended undergrad and graduate universities there. I've lived in England, Germany, Southern California and now Washington (state). I'm a retired Medical Social Worker with a past specialty in Oncology. I've enjoyed exploring historical re-creation through the SCA. I costume in several fandoms. Lately I've returned to Art and have taken up Urban Sketching, a version of en plein air painting.
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