Germany Day 6

Monday, 3 December

Dinkelsbühl to Neuremberg

We had a leisurely morning and left about 1100 at check out time.  We drove to Stein, the location of the Faber Castell factory.  They make pencils, color and watercolor pencils, pens (PITT), etc.  There was no tour available for either the Castle or the factory.

There was a cool pencil sculpture at the beginning of the town but it was in a traffic circle and I couldn’t get a photo.  This is a pencil in a sharpener on the grounds of the Factory, castle and shop.

So I just shopped!

It says, “Ideal for Urban Sketching”.  I bought one.

All we could do was walk around the outside of the castle.

From there it was only about a half hour to our hotel in Nuremberg.  They had a garage down the street.  It was a triple decker!  One up, one on ground floor, one below!  Fortunately, it wasn’t very full and our car remained on the ground floor.

More photos. 


About redharparts

Born in Michigan. Attended undergrad and graduate universities there. I've lived in England, Germany, Southern California and now Washington (state). I'm a retired Medical Social Worker with a past specialty in Oncology. I've enjoyed exploring historical re-creation through the SCA. I costume in several fandoms. Lately I've returned to Art and have taken up Urban Sketching, a version of en plein air painting.
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3 Responses to Germany Day 6

  1. miatagrrl says:

    Glad you made it to the shop, at least. Cool sharpener! 😉

  2. joantav says:

    It is always a treat to follow along on extended travel trips with other sketchers. Airport delays are so frustrating especially when you are not a comfortable flyer to start with. I have no problem being delayed and sketching…it helps center and calm me. My hubby on the other hand paces around the airport during delays. This looks like a beautiful part of Germany and the holiday markets are so tempting. Love the sketches…will be back to see more. Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Pingback: National Pencil Day | Red Harp Arts

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